Software Testing is a process of verifying that a software design meets it’s specified requirements and it’s fit for purpose. This involves the use of both manual or automated processes to ensure that the system is functioning as intended, identify any bugs and defects, reduce the cost of development and improve system performance.

What to expect from our training course

In this training, you will learn about the purpose of testing, the types of testing, how to identify gaps and errors and the various stages of testing a system/product must pass through to be considered ready for the market, thereby reducing the cost of maintenance, and improving performance level.

At the end of this course, you will:

  • Have a detailed understanding of testing and its benefits
  • Create Test Reports
  • Report Bugs and Errors
  • Have a complete understanding of test tools and how to apply them
  • Run a Complete Test Suite
  • Learn how to get a sign off on the completed test.
Course Price

£ 1000

Course Outline:

  • What is Software testing
  • Importance of Testing
  • Types of Testing
  • Stages of Testing
  • Principles of Software Testing
  • Software Testing Tools
  • Testing Artifacts
  • Benefits of Testing

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